We are the British Regional Transport Association
The British Regional Transport Association (BRTA), formerly English Regional Transport Association, is a voluntary membership-based, pro-public transport improvement association. Line re-openings is right up our street in advocacy, campaigning and nurturing congenial agreement and resolution, bringing people together and making common cause.
Pro-public transport
There should be a rolling programme of re-openings across the English regions akin to modernisation, electrification and station upgrades for example, alas this component isn’t happening and the queue grows amidst locked-in congestion and associated issues. Bedford-Cambridge, Great Central, Guildford-Horsham and rail links to Northampton are among our top priorities and our call is for others to join and be part of the solution, not just a consumer bewailing the problems!
A growing membership would indicate we are representative and our membership is the best way to show support and solidarity. We also appoint area reps to help with recruitment and seeking opportunities, time, skills and talents to better get our message across.
Our history and core manifesto
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